About 10-15 million people in the United States have different types of aneurysms. At Texas Cardiac and Vascular Specialists in San Antonio, Texas, the skilled vascular surgery team helps you manage blood vessel diseases linked to aneurysms, reducing the risk of a serious medical emergency. Schedule an evaluation by phone or request an appointment online today.
An aneurysm is the ballooning or bulging of a blood vessel wall that can eventually burst or rupture. A rupture causes bleeding inside the body and may become fatal. Aneurysms can develop in the blood vessels in your:
Aneurysms might also appear in a blood vessel in your legs, neck, groin, or other peripheral areas. Aneurysms that break open require emergency surgery. They often appear in arteries rather than veins.
Aneurysms can cause the following symptoms:
See a specialist at the first sign of new or unusual symptoms. However, it’s important to note that not all aneurysms cause symptoms unless a life-threatening complication occurs.
Aneurysm risk factors include:
Effective weight management and adopting other healthy habits may reduce the risk of aneurysms.
Diagnosing an aneurysm involves a discussion about your medical history and symptoms, a vital signs check, physical exam, and diagnostic testing. Your provider may complete a CT scan, MRI, echocardiogram, angiogram, ultrasound, or other diagnostic tests to diagnose your condition and effectively treat it to avoid complications.
Treating aneurysms at Texas Cardiac and Vascular Specialists may involve one or more of the following:
Surgical procedures can repair an aneurysm using open surgery or endovascular aneurysm repair with a graft and stent. Your provider uses innovative technology and procedures to ensure safe, highly effective, and long-lasting results.
Your vascular specialist may also suggest lifestyle modifications, including not smoking, properly managing blood sugar, losing weight, altering your diet, and exercising regularly.
Schedule an evaluation at Texas Cardiac and Vascular Specialists by phone or request one online today if you’re at risk of an aneurysm or suspect you or a loved one has one.